Volume 1
 Volume 2
 Volume 3
 Volume 4
"The unique experience of the Group of 77 can only be shared if the relevant documentation, reflecting its achievements in various reports, declarations, agreements, resolutions and decisions are shared with the public at large. This valuable publication is particularly timely, following the Group's fortieth anniversary in June 2004 and its Second South Summit in June 2005."
P. J. Patterson
Honorable Prime Minister of Jamaica
"The Group of 77 at the United Nations: Collected Documents on South-South Cooperation, is a unique and valuable source of information for policy-makers, researchers and the public at large. As a compilation of major agreements and achievements, it will prove to be crucial in spreading public awareness and greater understanding of the importance of South-South Cooperation. Indeed, it is commendable to document comprehensively the numerous advances brought about by South-South cooperation since the establishment of the Group of 77 in 1964."
Thabo Mbeki
Honorable President of South Africa
"The major documents on the North-South dialogue contained in this publication, which were selected from the perspective of the developing countries, trace the progress of the development debate from its early origins beginning with the formation of the Group of 77, followed by the Charter of Algiers which provided the foundation for its work, and the Development Strategy for the Second United Nations Development Decade in 1970 which represents one of the most significant achievements of the Group."
W. Baldwin Spencer
Honorable Prime Minister and
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Antigua & Barbuda
"As amply demonstrated in this volume, the Group of 77 has made a substantial contribution in rethinking the relationship between development and environment, which has led to the re-appraisal of many tenets of the conventional wisdom about development. I am pleased to commend the publication of this volume that will contribute to a greater understanding of the global South action in meeting the challenges of environment and sustainable development."
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva
Honorable President of the Federative Republic of Brazil